Welcome to Evros, Thrace, Macedonia Hellas (Greece)

MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.
MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.

Welcome to Evros, Thrace, Macedonia Hellas (Greece)

Σας καλωσοριζουμε στον Εβρο μας!!

MadeinMycountryGR: Τοπικο, παραδοσιακο, “Φτιαγμενο στη χωρα μου”

Το MadeinMycountry είναι μια παγκόσμια πλατφόρμα που γιορτάζει και υποστηρίζει την τοπική ιστορία, τον πολιτισμό, την τέχνη και τις προσπάθειες διατήρησης της φύσης.

Για δύο δεκαετίες, χορηγούμε τοπικά μουσεία, πολιτιστικούς οργανισμούς, ταξιδιωτικούς προορισμούς, ιστορικούς χώρους και διάφορες πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Ως ανεξάρτητη και χωρίς διαφημίσεις πλατφόρμα, το MadeinMycountry δεσμεύεται να προβάλλει τα καλύτερα από κάθε χώρα. Πιστεύουμε στην προώθηση της πλούσιας κληρονομιάς και των παραδόσεων που κάνουν κάθε έθνος μοναδικό. Μέσω των χορηγικών μας προγραμμάτων, στοχεύουμε να διατηρήσουμε και να προωθήσουμε την τοπική ιστορία, πολιτισμό και τέχη για να εκτιμήσουν οι μελλοντικές γενιές τη πολιτιστικη κληρονομια τους!

Το MadeinMycountry είναι επίσης χορηγος ανεξάρτητων καλλιτεχνών από όλο τον πλανήτη. Στο MadeinMycountry, είμαστε αφοσιωμένοι στο να είμαστε αυτόνομοι και ασυμβίβαστοι στην αποστολή μας. Με το μεγαλύτερο δίκτυο σελιδων του είδους του στον κόσμο, είμαστε περήφανοι που είμαστε η πιο δημοφιλής πλατφόρμα για όλα τα τοπικά, παραδοσιακά και MadeinMycountry!


MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.
MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.

MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.

As an independent and ad-free platform, MadeinMycountry is committed to showcasing the best of each country. We believe in promoting the rich heritage and traditions that make each nation unique. Through our sponsorship programs, we aim to preserve and promote local history, culture, and art for future generations to appreciate.

In addition to supporting established institutions, MadeinMycountry also champions independent artists from around the planet.

At MadeinMycountry, we are dedicated to being autonomous and uncompromising in our mission. With the largest site network of its kind in the world, we are proud to be the go-to platform for all things local, traditional, and MadeinMycountry!

You can find us on all major social media networks. We welcome you to MadeinMycountry !!


MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.
MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.



Award winning Greek nature photos

You can find us on all major social media networks.

Copyright: MadeinMycountry All rights reserved

MadeinMycountry welcomes you to: Greece (Hellas) and Cyprus!!

MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.
MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.

MadeinMycountry welcomes you to: Greece (Hellas) and Cyprus!!

MadeinMycountryGR: Τοπικο, παραδοσιακο, “Φτιαγμενο στη χωρα μου”


Το MadeinMycountry είναι μια παγκόσμια πλατφόρμα που γιορτάζει και υποστηρίζει την τοπική ιστορία, τον πολιτισμό, την τέχνη και τις προσπάθειες διατήρησης της φύσης.

Για δύο δεκαετίες, χορηγούμε τοπικά μουσεία, πολιτιστικούς οργανισμούς, ταξιδιωτικούς προορισμούς, ιστορικούς χώρους και διάφορες πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Ως ανεξάρτητη και χωρίς διαφημίσεις πλατφόρμα, το MadeinMycountry δεσμεύεται να προβάλλει τα καλύτερα από κάθε χώρα. Πιστεύουμε στην προώθηση της πλούσιας κληρονομιάς και των παραδόσεων που κάνουν κάθε έθνος μοναδικό. Μέσω των χορηγικών μας προγραμμάτων, στοχεύουμε να διατηρήσουμε και να προωθήσουμε την τοπική ιστορία, πολιτισμό και τέχη για να εκτιμήσουν οι μελλοντικές γενιές τη πολιτιστικη κληρονομια τους!

Το MadeinMycountry είναι επίσης χορηγος ανεξάρτητων καλλιτεχνών από όλο τον πλανήτη.
Στο MadeinMycountry, είμαστε αφοσιωμένοι στο να είμαστε αυτόνομοι και ασυμβίβαστοι στην αποστολή μας. Με το μεγαλύτερο δίκτυο σελιδων του είδους του στον κόσμο, είμαστε περήφανοι που είμαστε η πιο δημοφιλής πλατφόρμα για όλα τα τοπικά, παραδοσιακά και MadeinMycountry!

MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.
MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.


MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.

As an independent and ad-free platform, MadeinMycountry is committed to showcasing the best of each country. We believe in promoting the rich heritage and traditions that make each nation unique. Through our sponsorship programs, we aim to preserve and promote local history, culture, and art for future generations to appreciate.

In addition to supporting established institutions, MadeinMycountry also champions independent artists from around the planet.

At MadeinMycountry, we are dedicated to being autonomous and uncompromising in our mission. With the largest site network of its kind in the world, we are proud to be the go-to platform for all things local, traditional, and MadeinMycountry!

You can find us on all major social media networks. We welcome you to MadeinMycountry !!


Award winning Greek nature photos

The Aegean sea of Greece (Hellas), Cyprus and the Greek islands!!

The Aegean sea of Greece (Hellas), Cyprus and the Greek islands!!
The Aegean sea of Greece (Hellas), Cyprus and the Greek islands!!

Welcome to MadeinMycountry!

MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites, and various cultural events around the world.

As an independent and ad-free platform, MadeinMycountry is committed to showcasing the best of each country. We believe in promoting the rich heritage and traditions that make each nation unique. Through our sponsorship programs, we aim to preserve and promote local history, culture, and art for future generations to appreciate.

In addition to supporting established institutions, MadeinMycountry also champions independent artists from around the planet. We believe in providing opportunities for talented individuals to showcase their work and reach a wider audience. If you are an independent artist looking for support, we would love to hear from you.

Furthermore, MadeinMycountry is expanding its reach through franchise endeavors. We are seeking independent associates in various fields worldwide to join our team. If you are passionate about promoting local history, culture, nature conservation efforts, and art, we invite you to get in touch with us.

At MadeinMycountry, we are dedicated to being autonomous and uncompromising in our mission. With the largest site network of its kind in the world, we are proud to be the go-to platform for all things local, traditional, and MadeinMycountry.

The Aegean sea of Greece (Hellas), Cyprus and the Greek islands!!
The Aegean sea of Greece (Hellas), Cyprus and the Greek islands!!

#MadeinmycountryGR, #MadeinGreece, #Greece, #Hellas, #MacedoniaCenter, #MadeinCountry, #ItisMadeinMycountry, #EvrosCenter, #Saymadein2win, #MadeinMycountry,#MadeinEU,#BalkansCenter,#GrecoNorsk,#MadeinMycountryGR, #MadeinMycountryCY, #Cyprus, #Culture, #GreekCulture, #GreekHeritage, #EU, #MadeinMacedonia,#MacedoniaGR,#Evros,#Athens,#MacedoniaCenter,#MadeinCountry,#Madein,#BestofGreece,#Thessaloniki,#ItisMadeinMycountry,#Thrace,#Macedonia,#GrecoNorsk,#Balkans,#Made,#MadeinMy,#Independent,#FeelthebestofGR,#AlexanderTheGreat,#Traditional,#FreeCyprus,#JusticeForCyprus,#Museum,#Local,#Historical,Cultural,Traditional,Limassol,#Creta,#Mykonos,#Santorini,#Nature,#Aegean,#TourAegean,#GreekAegean,#AegeanSea

Greek (Hellenic) Orthodox Easter in Greece and Cyprus! April 2023

MadeinMycountry MadeinMycountryGR MacedoniaCenter Macedonia MacedoniaCenterGR Greece Hellas Cyprus
MadeinMycountry MadeinMycountryGR MacedoniaCenter Macedonia MacedoniaCenterGR Greece Hellas Cyprus

You can see more in our “Galleries” section:

Religious festivals with centuries-old traditions and customs take place throughout the year in Greece and Orthodox Easter is one of the greatest such celebrations. Greeks follow the Holy Week rites in commemoration of the Passion of Christ and celebrate His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Let’s find out about some of these age-old traditions.

During the Holy Week, the churches’ chandeliers and icon screens are dressed in black and purple ribbons, enhancing in this way the atmosphere of mourning for the coming crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ.
On Maundy Thursday, Greek home ovens get very busy as traditional tsoureki (a type of fragrant Easter brioche) is baked, along with lamprokouloura (Easter cookies). Eggs are immersed in red dye – the red colour symbolising the joy for Nature’s rebirth and the spiritual regeneration that comes with the Resurrection of Jesus.

On Good Friday in churches Epitaphios (a wooden canopied bier representing the tomb of Christ) is covered with flowers of various colours. At the end of the evening service a procession takes place headed by Epitaphios, the priests and acolytes. People follow along the streets of cities, towns and villages listening to psalms being chanted.

On Holy Saturday morning, preparations start for the festive dinner that is served after the Resurrection Midnight Mass. Mageiritsa soup is a traditional dish prepared in most Greek houses (made with chopped offal and herbs). Before midnight, people gather in church holding white candles, which they light with the “Holy Light” offered by the priest. The Resurrection of Christ is celebrated at Midnight with drum beats and fireworks lighting the skies as the church bells peal out and the hymn ‘Christos Anesti’ (Christ is Risen) is chanted by everybody. Then people return home to gather round the festive table; they each hold a red egg and crack it with the person next to them exclaiming at the same time Christos Anesti. The winner is the one whose egg has remained intact!

On Easter Sunday morning, in many parts of the country lamb is skewered and cooked over charcoal. In other regions, the meat for the Easter table – lamb or kid – is roasted in the oven. The atmosphere is festive and people listen and dance to folk music! So, if you’re invited to join a Greek Easter table, don’t miss this experience for anything in the world. Easter celebrations are exciting all over Greece and Cyprus.

MadeinMycountry and Saymadein2win International are worldwide sponsors of history, nature, culture and art

MadeinMycountry sponsors local history, culture and art

MadeinMycountry promotes each country’s natural beauty

“Showcasing your country’s best”

#MadeinmycountryGR, #MadeinGreece, #Greece, #Hellas, #MacedoniaCenter, #MadeinCountry, #ItisMadeinMycountry, #EvrosCenter, #Saymadein2win, #MadeinMycountry,#MadeinEU,#BalkansCenter,#GrecoNorsk,#MadeinMycountryGR, #MadeinMycountryCY, #Cyprus, #Culture, #GreekCulture, #GreekHeritage, #EU, #MadeinMacedonia,#MacedoniaGR,#Evros,#Athens,#MacedoniaCenter,#MadeinCountry,#Madein,#BestofGreece,#Thessaloniki,#ItisMadeinMycountry,#Thrace,#Macedonia,#GrecoNorsk,#Balkans,#Made,#MadeinMy,#Independent,#FeelthebestofGR,#AlexanderTheGreat,#Traditional,#FreeCyprus,#JusticeForCyprus,#Museum,#Local,#Historical,Cultural,Traditional,Limassol,#Creta,#Mykonos,#Santorini,#Nature,#Aegean,#TourAegean,#GreekAegean,#AegeanSea,#Easter,#GreekOrthodox,#OrthodoxChristianity,#Christian

Summertime in Greece and Cyprus is special !!

MadeinMycountryGR EvrosCenter MadeinMycountry Macedoniacenter ThraceCenter MadeinGreece Evros Thrace Hellas
MadeinMycountryGR EvrosCenter MadeinMycountry Macedoniacenter ThraceCenter MadeinGreece Evros Thrace Hellas

You can see more in our “Galleries” section:


Summertime in Greece and Cyprus is special !!
Τοπικο, παραδοσιακο Φτιαγμενο στη χωρα μου Ελλας και Κυπρος

Local traditional Madein Mycountry Sponsors of local history culture and Art
Made in Greece and Cyprus.

#MadeinmycountryGR, #MadeinGreece, #Greece, #Hellas, #MacedoniaCenter, #MadeinCountry, #ItisMadeinMycountry, #EvrosCenter, #Saymadein2win, #MadeinMycountry,#MadeinEU,#BalkansCenter,#GrecoNorsk,#MadeinMycountryGR, #MadeinMycountryCY, #Cyprus, #Culture, #GreekCulture, #GreekHeritage, #EU, #MadeinMacedonia,#MacedoniaGR,#Evros,#Athens,#MacedoniaCenter,#MadeinCountry,#Madein,#BestofGreece,#Thessaloniki,#ItisMadeinMycountry,#Thrace,#Macedonia,#GrecoNorsk,#Balkans,#Made,#MadeinMy,#Independent,#FeelthebestofGR,#AlexanderTheGreat,#Traditional,#FreeCyprus,#JusticeForCyprus,#Museum,#Local,#Historical,Cultural,Traditional,Limassol,#Creta,#Mykonos,#Santorini

Τοπικο, παραδοσιακο, “Φτιαγμενο στη χωρα μου” #Madeinmycountry, #MadeinmycountryGR,

MadeinmycountryGR, #MadeinGreece, #Greece, #Hellas, #MacedoniaCenter, #MadeinCountry, #ItisMadeinMycountry, #EvrosCenter, #Saymadein2win, #MadeinMycountry,#MadeinEU, #MadeinMycountryCY, MadeinGreece, #Cyprus, #Culture, #GreekCulture, #GreekHeritage, #EU, #MadeinMacedonia, #MacedoniaGR, #MadeinCountry, #Madein, #BestofGreece, #Thessaloniki, #ItisMadeinMycountry, #FeelthebestofGR,

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